Lord Ram Darshan:A lot of the large crowd, more than 50,000 devotees visited Lord Rama’s darshan in Ayodhya by the afternoon during Poush Purnima.
The journey of devotees to Ayodhya for the darshan of Lord Rama continues. On Thursday, by the afternoon of Poush Purnima, around 50,000 devotees had Lord Rama darshan of.
A large number of people were present in Ayodhya during Poush Purnima. After coming here, the devotees had a holy plunge in the Sarayu River and began coming to the Rama Temple for darshan in the morning. Despite the large crowds, darshan is being performed in an orderly way within the temple.

RPFP and police troops posted for security are allowing visitors to enter through the birthplace path’s entrance gate. As the pilgrims move beyond the birthplace road, they leave their baggage and cell phones at the pilgrimage service centre, and the group of Rama devotees moves towards the main buildings.According to official estimates, more than 50,000 worshippers had seen Lord Rama before 1 PM.
The continuous darshan, which began at 6 a.m., is still running. To complete the aarti and offering, the curtain is placed for 15 to 20 minutes. Even during this time, devotees are not being restricted from getting into the hall. After the aarti, darshan resumes immediately.