Nitish Kumar quit as Bihar’s Chief Minister on Sunday, presenting his resignation letter to Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar at the Raj Bhavan. He voiced dissatisfaction with the Rashtriya Janata Dal-Congress Mahagathbandhan alliance, saying that not all was working out inside the alliance.
Following his resignation, Nitish Kumar declared to establish the NDA leadership in Bihar, along with a letter of support from the BJP. The Governor approved his claim. Nitish Babu gave the BJP’s letter of support after a brief meeting with senior MLAs and MLCs. Vinod Tawde, Bihar’s BJP in-charge, released a photo of Nitish Babu giving the letter and declared the selection of Samrat Choudhary and Vijay Sinha as the new Deputy Chief Ministers.
Vinod Tawde showed trust in Prime Minister Modi’s leadership and Nadda’s guidance for the welfare of Bihar. In addition to becoming Chief Minister, Nitish was chosen to lead the NDA in Bihar.
After leaving, Nitish told reporters that he wanted the Governor to dissolve the Mahagathbandhan alliance. He stated that the situation inside the alliance, which included Lalu Prasad Yadav’s RJD, Congress, and three Left parties, was poor, forcing his decision to quit.